Saturday, April 16, 2011


I Don't know….

i mean i know i am always look so strong, resilient and happy every time I am out. But i don't know how long it can last…. well, it's been like that for the past 17 years and a few months. Who knows actually how I feel each time I smile or laugh off my failure? As though it's nothing and wouldn't affect me?

It does very much. But what can anyone do? They can't change my grades, they can't get me a position…. they can only feel sad for me. Then what does that leave me with? Nothing. The same as before, just more dejection and a sense of helplessness, and complaining in my heart that live is so unfair and then trying to stop doing that because life has to go on.

This sucks big time.

I really hope I get to do what I want in the future. I really hope.. and i do hope alot

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