Monday, September 6, 2010

Goodbye and see you soon!

today in the cab en route to the airport, one of my friend suddenly said that she felt a surge of emotions coming towards her. It is the emotion welling inside many people when it comes to parting. And airport is just the right place to provide the perfect environment for such emotions.

I told her, that with parting comes reunion. Yesterday we welcomed a new person into singapore. Today we send off a friend that we hold dear, a friend who has done so much for us without wanting anything back in return. For the mere fact that watching us learn and enjoy is in itself giving back already. For me, our friendship had been a short one as compared to many others that were present, but in this short few years, you have taught me and guided me a lot. It is with the utmost respect I have for you that i wish you well in the future. And of course I do hope that I will not be forgotten anytime soon. Bon voyage!

And to the next parting this saturday.......

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy as a bird

OMG OMG OMG! this is my happiest day of the year!
dad just got me my long awaited hp GALAXY S and macbook (: with a free ipod touch... which i shall give my sis cos i have one alr and its 32GB compared to that 8 GB one (:

But of course, i am not such a materialistic person. Today's a happy day because I have made a new friend cum teacher. I know some people's first impression of her is that she's a bitch... but she's actually quite nice. And young (10 years older than me!). And damn zai in yq. DUH to be the only one who can get into sco. (: a happy reunion for her and wei lao... she's ma huan by the way. Horse happy (direct translation). At least she's on our side (: To ma huan, hope you will find Singapore a generally nice place to be in. As experience show, after your first few years here, u'll be different in you approach to teaching and work. Hope you'll be able to cope and le your passion stay on as long as you can grasp. May you find your happiness here as well!

Gave a farewell supper for moses ytd at newton circus food centre- btw, he's gg to china for further studies as well. Good luck for all your endeavours and may we keep in touch! Today's little dinner was not only to be introduced to a new friend. Today's dinner is a farewell dinner as well, for our beloved yi qing who's flying off next saturday to manchester! Good luck to you too, and keep in touch! Hope you do well in UK for many years to come! And we'll set up a jeremy fund to send him over there :P

And now to worry about a friend's future that looks rather gloomy. No it's actually a dead end. Plus I must start to wrry about my own future....... so many directions, so many choices, so little ability, so little certainty...... life is really like a roller coaster. Hope all goes well

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Next week!

Please my dearest friends, stop making me so jumpy and anxious all the time... I know i might not be a good organiser and I might not be that conscious of time management and our little crisis, but I do try. I try my best. And I hope you guys will chip in as well. As what people say, lose with dignity.

I must ace math i must ace math i must ace math
gosh who am i kidding man!

sometimes i wish i am back to the old days when i just have fun... kindergarten were the best days, though i can't remember much. But i remember being the happiest then............

is it not strange how some decisions can open up such different paths? If I hadn't signed up for CO without knowing i did, I wouldn't have known so many great friends that are musicians I respect so much. If my mum hadn't insisted that I tried out for NY, I wouldn't have known such great friends existed. If I hadn't somehow became my teacher's favourite student, so many fishcakes wouldn't have happened, and I'd have been a happier person than now.

The twist of events, the turn of fate.
A food for thought. My teacher recently asked me two questions.

Are you sad with life as it is now?

I didn't know how to answer, and he changed the question

Are you happy with life as it is now?

I said that I ain't.