Saturday, August 30, 2008

Are we on the same line?

Things are so different now...

give us three years of segregation, and this is what u get. a gift from london, and a gift hand made. Good job, we really work that hard to stay as the best friends ever, and i love it. But give us one more year...

will my heart still stick to you? I do think so, but as more friends come in, i find myself getting attracted to those people... even if we do make an effort to go out together.
I feel fondness for you, but its the communication thing that's getting in the way. We interact too little... putting myself further and further away from you
our connection will still be intact, strong as ever.

I'm sorry to say that my other party of friends are closer to me, maybe because they were around to help me when i most needed some support? And the times we spent were simply amazing times. Up till now, the outings with them count for at least 1/4 of the top 10 best times in my life SO FAR...

so that explains right?
That i'll choose them over you if there's a clash activities
That i'll be choose to go out with them even if you asked first
That i'll be willing to sacrifice myself for them more than you, which is already loads

And the list may continue, but writing them out just makes me feel like a total jerk.
And its not good for our relationship too...
Even so, i'll still stay by your side when u need me. You know i'll give in to what u want everytime. You know that you're still the best buddy i've ever had, and still is. You know that i'll never grow tired of you.

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