Sunday, July 11, 2010

World Cup fever

WORLD CUP is coming to an end soon
and before long, promos are here.


hope spain wins this time.

And to those out there, stop trying to hide it... it's really obvious the way you guys act...... only baby can't tell what you are doing. If you think it's going to hurt me, congratulations, better slow than never. But trying to cover up doesn't mean you won't hurt me. THE DAMAGE IS DONE..... nothing you can do about it.
I know many others probably have gotten over it. But here I am admitting that i am still very bothered about it. And you ask why. Because it is not because I lost to anyone. It's because I lost to stupid judgement. What happened to not judging a book by it's cover? Oh right, it only exists in talks and books.

Anyway, I don't care. As I have said already, I will still get most of what I want.

Shit i wish to slap some people.

GO SPAIN GO. the dream team (:

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