Monday, September 6, 2010

Goodbye and see you soon!

today in the cab en route to the airport, one of my friend suddenly said that she felt a surge of emotions coming towards her. It is the emotion welling inside many people when it comes to parting. And airport is just the right place to provide the perfect environment for such emotions.

I told her, that with parting comes reunion. Yesterday we welcomed a new person into singapore. Today we send off a friend that we hold dear, a friend who has done so much for us without wanting anything back in return. For the mere fact that watching us learn and enjoy is in itself giving back already. For me, our friendship had been a short one as compared to many others that were present, but in this short few years, you have taught me and guided me a lot. It is with the utmost respect I have for you that i wish you well in the future. And of course I do hope that I will not be forgotten anytime soon. Bon voyage!

And to the next parting this saturday.......

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