Saturday, September 3, 2011


Been slacking away much lately with prelims only in the corner. Yes, I can see it coming. No wait. It is already here.
But anyway, this is a post specially for something else (:

I've been watching some shows recently and here's a post on what I really recommend!

1) Schemes of a Beauty (美人心计)- Of course, other than the fact that my dear 苗苗 is the emperor (and he was good in it too!), it tells of a very grandeur story in China's history. The characters are real AND the settings are good, of course, not to mention good acting and good scenery.

2) Glittering days (东方之珠)- This show is set in the old shanghai days… maybe a little later. The 50s and 60s when broadways and nightclubs are the soul of olden day China. The plot revolves around the lives of two singers who had to go through many obstacles… (read synopsis somewhere else online) Anyway, synopsis aside, I think Roger really pulled off his role well as a popular singer of that period, with his specially made hair (real hair! It was never a wig!) and the typical actions of singers then. Well, what can I say, he is a real comedy actor through and through. Of course there are better, but he is a very versatile and talented (not to mention cute) actor. Plus his ever so comedic actions AND his to-die-for smile………. <3

3) Reflection something misty rain… (烟雨斜阳)- There isn't really an English title to it. Anyway, the most important thing in this show is sammul's EYES. For 苗, it's really his to-die-for eyes… forever portraying a feeling, telling a story. There is no other actor that I have seen whose eyes can talk. This show is set in the old shanghai days. Like really the THAT period. The whole plot is rather gloomy, but it reflects very well the conditions of those days. Best of all is the acting of all the cast. It doesn't look as though they were acting the characters. It was as though they WERE the characters. Good plot, good acting. Of course, my sam (:

4) Chinese Paladin 3 (仙剑奇侠传3)- Well, it originates from a RPG game, what more can I say? The show itself attracted just too many audience and fans. Besides, with the star studded cast, and magnificent but complicated plot, it is a must watch. Speaking of the plot itself, everything is planned nicely. Seamless. Everything connects, unlike those of T_B whose shows always have abrupt change for the better so that the show can end.

5) Life made simple (阿旺新传)- Cast: Roger and Jessica. Needless to say, this couple's such good friends, they are virtually an unbreakable on-screen couple. Of course, partly due to this show where dear roger has to act as a simplistic guy (as his character says, "I am not stupid, just simple!"). Once again, I must praise Roger for being a superb actor. In this show, I was moved by Roger's character and his simple yet touching pure mind. Usually when I watch a show, I'll fast forward to where my idol appears just to watch him act, and read the story plot somewhere. Usually, I just want to see the actor. But in this show, Roger made me want to see his character. His character is forever thinking of others and forever doing things for others. He really moved me with everything that he (the character) did. Makes me wonder why we are all so greedy and selfish. Won't it be nice if I could be like him and live in my own bubble, free of all worries? sigh. Roger FTW

Yayness. the top five highly recommended shows to watch! Not in any order, but sorry if I sound biased my idols are in most of them. But in the first place, it is because of my idols that I watch these shows. Even so, some of these shows are really received with well reviews. Then of course, there are other shows that i'd recommend too, in brief:

- The Gentle Crackdown 秀才遇着兵- If you're bored, Moses will ensure you have a good laugh!
- D.I.E. & D.I.E. again 古灵精探& 古灵精探B- One of my favourite character, 于子郎. The cases are quite okay too, though definitely not as good as ICAC or Forensic Heroes etc.
- A bride for a ride 王老虎抢亲- SAM!!! (:
- Beyond the Realm of Conscience 宫心计- It was because of this that I started liking Moses. But the plot was quite good, definitely much better than many other T_B shows.
- Demi-gods Semi-devils 天龙八部 ( 林志颖 version)- Jimmy! his every so cute and bubbly face. But most importantly, it was a very grand production with great actors although the graphics couldn't really make it.
- Not Just a Pretty Face 美丽在望- De-stressing agent. I like the idea of this story although the plot is still quite predictable once we know what is happening. But the actors are good and again, brings joy into my life.
- The World's Finest 天下第一- Another one that makes you laugh. Mainly because of Roger. In this show, he has to fight most and at the same time think of ways to portray his witty and super comedic character well. And he did it!
- Season of Fate 五味人生- Quite a funny show again. Don't know why it didn't get the popularity it should have gotten, but it is a good show yet again with good actors.
- A pillow case of mystery 2 施公奇案 2- Like the story very much! Especially Johnson's character as the pillow god.
- The handsome siblings 绝世双交- I know there are many versions of this show, but really, the jimmy one is the one that rocked the world, not to mention light hearted and witty! Two at that. First the dads then the sons. But of course, the nicholas is good too!

Future shows (in production) that looks promising and I'll surely watch:
- 搜神记
that's it for now! Hope there'll be better shows to watch!

And hope by doing this i'll go back to studying

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