Thursday, June 26, 2008


Just came back from a concert by my sis's school... for their 75th anniversary.
The children looked so cute! When the youngests of those came out with table tennis bats, my tears couldn't hold it any longer.

I had no idea what drove me to that, but, i seem to feel so much emotions for them, dancing... dancing... dancing... Oh how innocent they looked, as i stared at them for a seemingly long time..............................................before the stage cleared.
Ah, what i'd do to get the chance to go back to my primary school days when i don't worry about so much things (and there's gg to be more each year as i grow).
No chance to regret it now.

Morbid? at this age, i shld be yearning for adulthood or sth, like what everyone does... Nope, my heart stays with the bouncy scuttlers that are filling up the stage in UCC, filling up the stage in my heart, giving a show to just me. Alone.

And I cried again. Just felt touched by the children... flinging their arms senselessly as their teacher wants to, yet enjoying all the time, smiling and smiling, true from the heart.

A forced smile...

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