Sunday, May 1, 2011


I really don't know how to tell you what problems I have.

Would you really want to know that my problem comes from your problem? Would you really want to know that I know? You think u're the only one with depression….. when you have depression, i do too. When you cry, i cry. Sigh… we are all the same, always putting up a tough front in front of others. Always the smile, always the craziness…. but deep inside, we're both suffering much more than many, and much more than anyone else knows….. and even much more than how much we think.

When you cry, i cry. When you don't cry, i cry…… Telling you only makes you suffer and hurt more. It would only increase your depression level………… So why tell you when i can just keep it to myself and take all the burden? I am still strong, i am not cracking yet… I can still go on for a while… trust me, i really know what i am doing.

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